News Archive
Find older news and articles about Edward Murphy and from earlier this school year and from previous years.
Harmony Room
June 23, 2016

Edward Murphy School is working toward making sure children can express their feelings, talk out any conflicts and are able to deal with the everyday stressors we all face. At its heart is the social emotional learning program that is incorporated into our school’s curriculum.
The Harmony room is a happy place where we solve problems, we grow as individuals and then we are able to go back to class to continue learning.
June Newsletter
June 23, 2016

The newsletter for June 2016 as well as all the previous school newsletters can be downloaded from the Parents section:
Edward Murphy School hosts 102.3’s morning show live from library
Monday June 20, 2016

Une émission bilingue et enrichissante. On June 15th, the Grade 5 and 6 students from Edward Murphy School hosted 102.3 FM’s Radio-Enfants.
With the help of their teachers, (Domonique Jodoin and Melissa Poplaw) as well as journalist Thomas Ethier, the students created a radio show about the upcoming Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.
L'émission était divisée en quatre volets soit la politique, les enfants, les femmes et l'économie. Nos jeunes journalistes ont préparé des chroniques, des éditoriaux, des vox pop et des entrevues. Nous avons eu la chance de recevoir en entrevue Mme Nathalie Lambert, triple médaillée olympique, un escrimeur qui participera aux Jeux Olympiques cet été, Mme Charbonneau qui a travaillé aux Jeux Olympiques de Montréal en 1976, deux entraîneurs de soccer et une jeune athlète prometteuse en nage synchronisée, Emma Caron. Nos élèves ont fait un travail incroyable et nous sommes extrêmement fiers d'eux.
Listen to our broadcast on SoundCloud by clicking on the button below:
Edward Murphy Students Meet Mayor Coderre
Wednesday February 24, 2016
Denis Coderre, Mayor of Montreal, recently took the time to meet with Cycle 3 students as well as Spiritual and Community Animator Rocco Speranza as he lent his support to their Pink Shirt/Kindness Campaign.
Principal's Newsletter
Friday October 1, 2015
Please click below for the October 2015 Principal's Newsletter. All correspondence will also be posted to the parent page.